Therapy for Trauma

Located out of Kelowna, BC, I provide in-person and online appointments to Kelowna, Vernon, Penticton and surrounding communities.

In line with the Somatic Experiencing (SE) definition of trauma, it is defined as a traumatic event as any event that causes a long-term dysregulation in the autonomic nervous system (Levine, 1977, 1997). This implies that the trauma resides in the nervous system, and thus in the body. The trauma is not in the event, for what is traumatic for one person may not be for another. Everyone is different in their response, ability, and capacity to handle different situations. This is based on genetic makeup, early environment, attachment histories, and previous traumas.

Traumatic experiences include:

  • Abuse of any kind
  • Relational stress, divorce
  • Loss of a loved one or pet
  • Lack of security or safety
  • Surgery, illness, medical issues, hospitalizations
  • Accidents, injury, concussion
  • Witnessing violence or an accident
  • Birth complications
  • Natural disasters
  • Receiving shocking news

Due to the effect the trauma has on the nervous system, an acute situation may lead to chronic and debilitating symptoms:

  • Depression, low energy, lack of motivation
  • Anxiety, panic, fear
  • Numbness, lack of emotion, detachment
  • Anger
  • Obsession or hypervigilance
  • Flashbacks, intrusive thoughts
  • Avoidance
  • Nightmares and other sleep disturbances
  • Lost sense of self, confusion

Although trauma is a fact of life, many people who experience trauma do not develop long-lasting trauma-related symptoms. The human body is resilient and much of the time we are able to "shake it off". In many situations, however, there are processes (both internal and external) that inhibit the body's innate ability to return to a natural resting state.

With assistance and support, trauma-survivors are able to cultivate resilience and inner-resources to come out of their post-traumatic state. By developing body-mind awareness, you will be free of your trauma-related symptoms and increase your capacity to cope with trauma in the future.

You will feel:

  • Increased capacity to handle stress
  • Reduced social anxiety
  • Increased self-esteem
  • The ability to release emotions appropriately
  • Reduction of feelings of anger
  • A feeling of comfort and ease
  • An increased sense of awareness and mindfulness
  • Release pent up emotions from the past
  • Increased quality of life
  • Developing awareness of inner resources
  • Cultivating a secure sense of self and boundaries
  • A decrease in codependency and an increase in interdependency
  • Increased ability to enjoy life

The body talks. By developing awareness of your body, you will be able to listen to the body's wisdom, understand what is happening, and learn to work with the body in order to free yourself from post-traumatic symptoms and experience peace-of-mind.

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